A close-up view of the dome framing.

Build Instructions – Overview

The following is a brief overview of what it takes to build the Dodeca Domes Mini Dome. For a more detailed, step-by-step build process, refer to the detailed instructions, starting here.

These instructions are not intended as professional construction, engineering, or architectural advice. They are based on the personal experience of Joshua Tulberg, the original builder and owner of Dodeca Domes.

By using these instructions and the associated products, you agree to the Terms of Service on the Legal page.

A stack of prefabricated struts.

Prefabricate the struts.

A stack of prefabricated panels.

Prefabricate the panels.

A stack of prefabricated floor lumber.

Prefabricate the floor lumber.

A stack of prefabricated loft lumber.

Prefabricate the loft lumber.

A stack of prefabricated rebar cages.

Prefabricate the rebar cages.

Digging foundation holes.

Dig the holes.

The finished foundation.

Pour the foundation.

Trenching utilities.

Trench the utilities.

The framed floor.

Frame the floor.

The framed inner wall.

Frame the inner wall.

The framed outer wall.

Frame the outer wall.

The dome fully sheathed.

Sheath the framing.

The dome sheathing coated.

Coat the sheathing.

The dome weatherproofed.

Install the windows and door.

The dome roofed.

Roof the dome.

The dome waste pipes and conduit.

Install the underfloor systems.

The dome venting and ducting.

Install the in-wall systems.

Spray foam on the walls.

Spray foam the walls.

Insulation in the dome floor.

Insulate the floor.

The dome subfloor.

Attach the subfloor.

The dome room framing.

Frame the inner room.

The dome shower framing.

Install the shower.

The dome kitchenette wall sheathing.

Sheath the kitchenette wall.

The dome upper subfloor.

Attach the upper subfloor.

...to be continued.