A close-up view of the spray polyurethane foam being applied in the Mini Dome.

Spray Foam – Overview

This is the only part of the construction where hiring a professional is recommended. Due to the required thickness and shear volume of the foam, do-it-yourself froth packs are not worthwhile.

The spray foam thickness will vary slightly based on the geometry of the panels and the nature of its application, but it will generally be around 5.5 inches thick.

The total sprayed volume will be 567 cu-ft (including 49 cu-ft for the perimeter bulkheads) which is 6,804 board feet.

Know which spray polyurethane foam (SPF) is being used, and ensure the following:

  • Closed cell (for vapor resistance and higher R-value)
  • 2lb density (for R-7 per inch of thickness)
  • High lift formula (for thicker applications in fewer passes)
  • Winter / Summer formula (for optimal performance in varying conditions)

Expect to spend ~1 day having the dome sprayed, but scheduling may require a month of lead time.

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