A close-up view of the subfloor being installed in the Mini Dome.


Subfloor photo number 01.

Caulk between the Floor Beams for air-sealing. Prosoco R-Guard Fast Flash is shown here.

Subfloor photo number 02.

Cut the plastic around the mineral wool insulation with a knife and allow it to expand.

Subfloor photo number 03.

Cut the insulation to shape using a serrated blade, such as a bread knife. Carve the bottom of the mineral wool to match any high spots in the foam, ensuring a flush fit.

Subfloor photo number 04.

Install the thermostat wire conduit. Use a heat gun to angle it and notch towards the top of the Floor Beam to ensure it protrudes at the correct location above the subfloor.

Subfloor photo number 05.

Install the insulation one floor slice at a time.

Subfloor photo number 06.

Secure the subfloor panels atop the completed insulation. Mark the locations of the floor joists and blocking. Pre-drill, chamfer, and screw #8x2” wood screws every few inches.

Subfloor photo number 07.

Continue insulating and securing subfloor panels.

Subfloor photo number 08.

Install blocking around the shower P-trap area to provide additional floor support for the shower and hot water tank.

Subfloor photo number 09.

Optional: Install a drain tube under the shower P-trap area to monitor potential leaks in the shower seal. The tube terminates at the crawlspace into a plastic bottle, similar to the windows.

Subfloor photo number 10.

Mark and cut holes for the utility locations before securing the subfloor panels. Each hole should have enough clearance for the corresponding fittings.

Subfloor photo number 11.

Continue insulating and securing the subfloor panels. Once screwed down, they should not need to be removed ever again.

Subfloor photo number 12.

Install the final subfloor panel.

Subfloor photo number 13.

Create a paper template to assist in cutting the center panel. Mark the orientation, as it may not be perfectly symmetrical.

Subfloor photo number 14.

If necessary, use a router to ensure all Floor Beam connection points are on the same plane.

Subfloor photo number 15.

Test fit the center panel. It should fit flush and lie flat.

Subfloor photo number 16.

Pre-drill, chamfer, and screw #8x2” wood screws around the perimeter.

Subfloor photo number 17.

Sand between each subfloor panel to ensure a smooth, level transition.

Subfloor photo number 18.

For areas that require more material removal, consider using a belt sander or an angle grinder with a sanding disk (shown).

Subfloor photo number 19.

Congratulations on completing the subfloor!

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